ENGLISH TEMPLATE インクル子ども英会話浜松市

Happy New Year and welcome to the year 2025! Today, I would like to talk about resolutions. It's the start to a new year, and a perfect time to discuss new ways that we can improve ourselves. So, for example, I would personally really like to eat and exercise more this year. My health has been pretty average, only eating a few veggies or going for short walks here and there (definitely not obtaining enough proper nutrition or level of fitness). That is why, in the year 2025, I will be working out at home for at least a period of three days a week (for at least forty-five minutes). As well, I will start cooking meals with more veggies, chicken, and sweet potato; cutting out all junk food. If it becomes difficult or I feel as though I'm struggling, I will eat a cheat meal once on a Sunday.
Not all resolutions have to relate to exercise and health though, it can be in any manner that benefits you or helps to improve your daily life. This can be in the form of sleeping earlier, getting proper rest before work; organizing or creating a daily planner so you can stay on top of tasks at work; making more of an effort to call that friend or family member you haven't talked to in a while; or maybe try to do something nice for someone once in a while (kindness goes a long way).
What will your New Years resolution be? Whatever it is, with determination and will power, I believe you can do it. Good luck!
あなたの新年の抱負は何ですか? それが何であれ、決意と意志の力があれば、あなたはそれを成し遂げることができると信じています。頑張ってください!